PHILLIPS Career Partners


Career training and individualized support services in multiple career pathways

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Career Partners is changing the employment landscape for youth with disabilities.

All too often, youth with disabilities who transition from school to work are unemployed or underemployed. Our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs focus on training and sustainable employment with livable wages.

PHILLIPS' focus is on the “whole person” and a living wage is directly tied to assuring a persons’ human dignity and equity.

Career Partners Program Offers:

Industry Driven Curriculum:

  • Engaging Instructional Strategies: active authentic learning experiences paired with positive support and personalized for individual learning styles
  • Competency Based Curriculum: teaching foundational skills for entry into a career pathway leading to employment with fair wages
  • Workplace Soft Skills: acquisition of essential soft skills, critical thinking and problem solving skills needed in any career
  • Industry Certification available

Employer Partnerships:

  • Community based internships
  • Ongoing mentoring and job placement
  • Real world application through client based experiential learning

Career Assessment:

  • Ongoing transition/career assessment
  • Career decision making and planning

Highly qualified Staff:

  • Industry expertise
  • Utilizes a strength based approach
  • Promotes youth self-advocacy and self-determination
  • Values youth voice 

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